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Now Everyone Can Sign
Electronically Everyday.

The Smartest way to Paperless your printing... Get started with Eco-Sign.

Financial Report

Let Your Database Take Your Business to Higher Grounds

Our Company eVoucher system is an electronic voucher system which enables companies to easily generate, design and issue digital coupons or e-vouchers. With E-Voucher, merchants can now conveniently issuing the Hotel F&B and Room Package Voucher and set up promotional campaigns to reach more customers and increase sales.

Now you can issue vouchers more faster and securely from getting internal company approval online, issuing Electronic Vouchers and send to your customers via email. Additionally, there is also a management portal to administer and control the issued Electronic Vouchers.

Eco-Sign Hotel Paperless System

Planning to implement an affordable hotel front office eSignature, please contact us...

Eco-Send Hotel Contactless System

A truly contactless experience for your hotel guest, a new norm of expectation from transition of pandemic to endemic...

Eco-Save Office Paperless System

A system that help you to fully paperless your back of house working environment, let us help you on this...

Full Hotel Information Technology Service

Looking for Pre-Opening or Makeover of your hotel's information technology from the front to the back of house, speak to our experience consultant...

hotel Check In

Provide Affordable
Believe Customizable
Practice Reliable.

Eco-Sign Group specialized in paperless system for hospitality industry, the main reason for this establishment in the market was due to the existing paperless solutions in the market were cost a fortune for hospitality industry to invest and implement in the hotel. Since the formation in Vietnam in 2019 our systems has brought financial, environmental and operational savings to hospitality businesses.

With the aim of helping the industry to go with affordable paperless solution, the company founders set out to build a paperless system capable of meeting the evolving needs of today's business requirements ECO Friendly System.  ECO-SIGN’s Founders called the system ECO-SIGN - means ECO stand for "Environment" and SIGN is " E-Signature" and focus to build the systems that completely eliminate paper from the traditional front office and back of house ways of workings in the hotel.

Eco-Sign Hotel Paperless System is for the front office and Eco-Save Office Paperless System is for back office, when your hotel implemented both systems your hotel will be an almost 99% paperless working environment. Last but not least our Eco-Send Hotel Contactless System which is under development now for future-proofing hospitality operations.

What Eco-Sign Group stand out from the competitors was the pricing strategy with latest technology and efficiency processes. Flexibility in customization to fulfill every company needs is part of the company value as we believe each company may have different needs in term of their company policy. This will enable the company double their efficiency when they are using our company systems.

Our Customers

Holding Plant

We Take Pride in Our Numbers


Years of Experience


Business Partners


Products Installed


Countries World Wide


Industry Standards

Keyboard and Mouse

Are You Ready to Paperless Your Business?

Thank you for watching a short introduction video of Eco-Sign Hotel Paperless System. If you are interested to find out more details how this system can support your business needs, please contact us immediately.

Our Partners

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Infotel VN.png
Workloop Partner.png
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